I loved every single thing about this senior's photo shoot. In addition to being absolutely lovely (and smart and talented), Madelyn is a gentle, graceful soul, and a total joy to photograph. I mean, obviously. :) Have a look.
There's something so special about a home with a newborn baby. It's cozy and quiet, and everyone is sort of sleepy and love-dazed. The world doesn't intrude - nothing is as important as this new life. It's truly an honor just to be invited in . . .
Ah, 2020. The year we'll definitely never forget. I did photo shoots - not as many as I normally do, and certainly not in the way I normally do them - but I didn't share much of my work. In fact, I didn't do a single blog post - until now (2021). Better late than never, right? :) Looking back through these photos, I know we were all struggling in our own way - a lot of us still are - but just look at how we showed up. Just look at all this love, this joy, this beauty! Even in a global pandemic - or, I guess, especially then - just to be ALIVE is something to celebrate.